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Our cats have strong, independent personalities – so what are the best ways to ensure harmony in multi-feline households? There are a few approaches we can take to make sure things run smoothly between kitties that live under the same roof.
Solo Kitty or Furry Free-For-All?

First, think about what you’re trying to achieve with a multi-cat household. Many cats are perfectly happy being the sole focus of their owner’s attention. And if you’re out of the house a lot due to work or other commitments, they’ll generally be content to sleep and amuse themselves.

However, a growing body of research argues that many cats can be happier as part of a bonded pair or larger group. Cats can learn vital social skills through play with one another, and an inadequately socialized kitty might display more destructive and anxious behavior around the home.

In addition, a solo cat will need more focused play and enrichment time from their owner, while cats kept in a group will typically play together a lot – meaning they won’t need as much input from you. On the other hand, multiple cats will, of course, mean more cleaning and more food and medical expenses.

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