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Winter Pet Care

As the mercury drops and the winter chill settles in, it’s important to keep your pets comfortable through the winter months. Much of the advice for cold weather pet care is common sense, like making sure your pets have a warm, safe and dry place to rest if they are outdoors or a comfortable place away from drafts if they are indoors. However, it never hurts to review cold weather tips again since last winter was a long time ago.
Fur Coat Care

Winter coat care is important for your furry friends. They depend on you to help keep their coat clean and mat-free so they can stay warm and comfortable. Even kitties that are fastidious about cleaning their own coat need to be brushed regularly and checked for matted fur.

Clean fur fluffs and holds air, similar to layering clothes, which will help your dog or cat stay warm. Matted fur pulls on the skin and can cause discomfort and irritate skin. If mats are left long enough, sores can develop and become infected. Regular brushing is essential, especially as your pet’s winter coat grows in. Make sure you find the right brush for your pet.

As the heat kicks on in your home the air gets drier. Regular brushing encourages the distribution of natural oils in your pet’s skin and coat. Along with that, supplementing with essential fatty acids and a daily multi-vitamin can help nourish the skin and coat, making it easier to care for and healthier.

If your pet’s own fur coat is not sufficient to keep them warm, get a cozy dog jacket so they can still enjoy the great outdoors during the winter months. Year round walks are an essential part of your pet’s daily routine for exercise and mental health. In rainy climates, a light weight rain coat for dogs lets them enjoy their walks without getting soaked.
Paw Care

Like the built-in fur coat, your pet’s paws may need a bit of extra care during winter months. Dogs, especially, become susceptible to dry pads with frequent trips out onto the cold, wet ground and then back into the heated house.

Paw balm can be essential during the winter months. There are two types to help you dog: protectant paw balm and soothing paw balm. Protectant paw balms, like Musher’s Secret, use natural waxes and oils to shield you dog’s paws from water and ice, protecting them while they’re outside. Soothing paw balms use natural ingredients to heal cracked or dry pads. Finding a formula with therapeutic CBD oil can be extra beneficial.

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